犹他州法官决定Kouri Richins是否因涉嫌用芬太尼毒死丈夫而受审。 Utah judge to decide if Kouri Richins faces trial for allegedly poisoning husband with fentanyl.
犹他州法官决定Kouri Richins是否将因被控用致命剂量芬太尼毒打她丈夫而面临审判, Utah judge set to decide if Kouri Richins, a mother of three and author of a children's book about coping with grief after her husband's death, will face trial for allegedly poisoning her husband with a lethal dose of fentanyl. Richins面临多重重罪指控,包括严重谋杀、殴打和毒品指控。 Richins faces multiple felony charges, including aggravated murder, assault, and drug charges. 审理结果将确定国家检察官是否有足够的证据来对提交人进行审判。 The outcome of the hearing will determine if state prosecutors have enough evidence to proceed with a trial against the author.