泰达尔为美国的歌曲作者推出了版权追踪和信用管理工具. TIDAL introduces royalty tracking and credit management tools for US-based songwriters.
TIDAL是一个音乐流服务机构,它为美国歌唱家推出了新的工具,管理他们的作品目录,包括特许权使用费跟踪和信贷管理。 TIDAL, a music streaming service, has launched new tools for US-based songwriters to manage their works catalog, including royalty tracking and credit management. 词曲作者可以在 TIDAL Artist Home 中验证他们的个人资料,组织他们的 IPI、PRO 和出版商信息,并注册 Mechanical Licensing Collective 以获得版税。 Songwriters can verify their profiles, organize their IPI, PRO, and publisher information within TIDAL Artist Home, and sign up for the Mechanical Licensing Collective for royalty collection. 这些工具简化了程序,使作曲家更容易在多个平台处理复杂的版税管理。 These tools streamline the process, making it easier for songwriters to handle complex royalty management across multiple platforms.