TikTok 与环球音乐集团解决音乐版税纠纷。 TikTok and Universal Music Group settle music royalties dispute.
TikTok 和环球音乐集团就音乐版税纠纷达成和解,阿黛尔、比莉·艾利什和爱莉安娜·格兰德等艺人的数百万首歌曲得以恢复在该平台上发布。 TikTok and Universal Music Group have settled their dispute over music royalties, allowing millions of songs by artists such as Adele, Billie Eilish, and Ariana Grande to be restored to the platform. 新的许可协议为艺术家和词曲作者提供了更高的报酬,并为人工智能提供了行业领先的保护。 The new licensing agreement provides improved remuneration for artists and songwriters, as well as industry-leading protections regarding AI. 该决议标志着有关数字时代艺术家公平报酬的持续争论取得了重大进展,并为不断发展的音乐产业中的音乐家和内容创作者带来了激动人心的机会。 This resolution marks a significant advancement in the ongoing debate over fair compensation for artists in the digital age and promises exciting opportunities for musicians and content creators in the growing music industry.