2022 年共和党副总统候选人 JD 万斯为他的“没有孩子的猫女士”的评论辩护,声称这是讽刺和断章取义的。 2022 Republican VP candidate JD Vance defended his "childless cat ladies" comment, claiming it was sarcastic and taken out of context.
共和党2022年副总统候选人JD Vance为他过去关于"无子女猫女"的评论辩护, 声称这句话被脱离了背景, 2022 Republican vice presidential candidate, JD Vance, has defended his past comment about "childless cat ladies", claiming the remark was taken out of context and was meant to be sarcastic. Vance是Trump的坚定支持者,他的评论受到批评,有些人将他的评论解释为对无子女妇女的挖苦。 Vance, a staunch Trump supporter, has faced criticism for his comment, which some interpreted as a dig at childless women. Vance在接受NBC的《会见新闻》的采访时,对他的评论被误解表示遗憾,但坚持认为他对讲话的实质内容没有遗憾。 In an interview on NBC's Meet the Press, Vance expressed regret that his comments were misinterpreted, but maintained he had no regrets about the substance of his remarks. 他认为,美国已经变得太反家庭,太昂贵,他与前总统唐纳德·特朗普一起,希望解决住房和杂货费问题。 He argued that America has become too anti-family and expensive and that he, along with former President Donald Trump, wants to address housing and grocery costs. Vance还保证,第二个特朗普政府不会执行全国禁止堕胎的规定。 Vance also pledged that a second Trump administration would not enforce a national abortion ban.