共和党候选人JD Vance强调,在《两性平等方案》存在性别差距的情况下,必须解决妇女选民的关切。 Republican VP candidate JD Vance emphasizes the importance of addressing women voters' concerns amid a gender gap in the GOP.
共和党副总统候选人 JD 万斯 (JD Vance) 在接受“面对国家”(Face the Nation) 采访时强调了他的妻子乌莎 (Usha) 的建议,即在共和党内明显的性别差距中“相信女性选民的智慧”。 Republican VP candidate JD Vance highlighted advice from his wife, Usha, during a "Face the Nation" interview to "trust in the wisdom" of women voters amidst a notable gender gap in the GOP. CBS新闻调查显示,56%的妇女感到Trump运动忽视了她们的关切。 A CBS News poll revealed that 56% of women feel the Trump campaign neglects their concerns. Vance强调,在运动对堕胎权利采取谨慎立场的情况下,在尊重妇女投票决定的同时,必须大力为妇女辩护。 Vance emphasized the importance of making a strong case to women while respecting their voting decisions, amid the campaign's cautious stance on abortion rights.