RBC 预测,由于中国的鸽派货币政策,人民币套利交易将比日元更有弹性。 RBC predicts the yuan carry trade will be more resilient than the yen counterpart due to China's dovish monetary policy.
加拿大皇家银行预测,由于中国的货币紧缩政策及其主要与出口商和跨国公司的合作,人民币的流通贸易将比日元的对口单位更具弹性。 Royal Bank of Canada predicts the yuan carry trade will be more resilient than its yen counterpart, due to China's dovish monetary policy and its involvement primarily with exporters and multinationals. 人民币的流通贸易涉及借中国货币投资于高收益资产,显示出较少易受冲击,预计本季度将回报0.5%,其中涉及借款人民币和投资于八种新兴市场货币。 The yuan carry trade, which involves borrowing China's currency to invest in higher-yielding assets, has shown less susceptibility to shocks and is expected to return 0.5% this quarter, with the trade involving borrowing yuan and investing in a basket of eight emerging-market currencies. 中国中央银行“中国人民银行”担心人民币贸易可能下跌及其对金融市场的影响。 China's central bank, People's Bank of China, is concerned about the potential unwinding of the yuan carry trade and its effects on financial markets.