2022年 在汤加的太平洋岛屿论坛敦促主要污染者赔偿与气候有关的损害。 2022 Pacific Islands Forum in Tonga urges major polluters to pay for climate-related damages.
在汤加举行的太平洋岛屿论坛开幕,与会领导人敦促主要污染者支付与气候有关的损害。 The Pacific Islands Forum, held in Tonga, opened with leaders urging major polluters to pay for climate-related damages. 图瓦卢强调“污染者付费”原则的必要性,而领导人则计划推动建立本土的气候适应基金和从石油、天然气和其他污染燃料源过渡。 Tuvalu emphasized the need for the "polluter pays" principle, while leaders plan to push for a homegrown climate adaptation fund and the transition away from oil, gas, and other polluting fuel sources. 首脑会议还讨论了地缘政治问题,如中国的影响力越来越大、法国领土新喀里多尼亚尚未解决的危机以及深海采矿。 The summit also discussed geopolitical issues such as China's growing influence, the unresolved crisis in French territory New Caledonia, and deep-sea mining.