蒙彼利埃警方在星期六在市政厅附近发生无生命威胁的攻击后,搜寻一名持刀嫌疑人。 Montpelier police search for a knife-wielding suspect after a non-life-threatening attack near City Hall on Saturday.
蒙彼利埃警察寻找一名持刀嫌疑人,他袭击了市政厅附近的人,造成无生命威胁的伤害。 Montpelier police seek a knife-wielding suspect who attacked someone near City Hall, resulting in non-life-threatening injuries. 事件发生在星期六下午7时30分,多次接到911通电话。 The incident occurred at 7:30 pm on Saturday, and multiple 911 calls were received. 受伤者在中佛蒙特州医疗中心接受治疗并获释。 The injured person was treated at Central Vermont Medical Center and released. 另一人作为从犯被捕。 Another individual was arrested as an accessory. 当局仍在寻找攻击者;鼓励证人和任何知情者与警方联系。 Authorities are still searching for the attacker; witnesses and anyone with information are encouraged to contact the police.