LFZCEO Adesuwa Ladoja预期印度公司为尼日利亚和非洲开发新产品,因为港口工业区拥有2.75亿美元外国直接投资和全球品牌。 LFZ CEO Adesuwa Ladoja anticipates Indian companies developing new products for Nigeria and Africa, as the port-based industrial zone hosts $2.75bn FDI and global brands.
拉各斯自由区(LFZ)首席执行官Adesuwa Ladoja认为印度公司有潜力为尼日利亚和非洲市场开发新产品,港口工业区拥有2.75亿美元以上的外国直接投资和Tata International、BASF和Colgate等全球品牌。 Lagos Free Zone (LFZ) CEO, Adesuwa Ladoja, sees potential for Indian companies to develop new products for Nigeria and Africa's markets, with the port-based industrial zone hosting over $2.75bn FDI and global brands such as Tata International, BASF, and Colgate. Ladoja认为,当地存在有助于更好地了解和适应市场,从而产生更有利可图的业务。 Ladoja believes a local presence enables better market understanding and adaptation, resulting in more profitable operations.