国际金融公司在尼日利亚拉各斯自由区投资高达5 000万加元,以刺激工业和创造30 000个就业机会。 IFC invests up to $50M in Nigeria’s Lagos Free Zone to boost industry and create 30,000 jobs.
国际金融公司正在尼日利亚拉各斯自由区投资5 000万美元,以支持工业增长和经济多样化。 The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is investing up to $50 million in Nigeria's Lagos Free Zone to support industrial growth and economic diversification. 这些资金将帮助发展860公顷区域,包括土地、工业设施和后勤基础设施,并与尼日利亚的经济改革保持一致。 The funds will help develop the 860-hectare zone, including land, industrial facilities, and logistics infrastructure, and align with Nigeria's economic reforms. 该项目旨在创造30,000个就业机会,并包括与气候有关的举措。 The project aims to create 30,000 jobs and includes climate-related initiatives.