27个人类机器人在中国世界机器人大会上创下了新纪录,标志着中国机器人工业的增长。 27 humanoid robots set a new record at China's World Robot Conference, signaling growth in the country's robotics industry.
27个人造机器人在中国世界机器人大会上创下新纪录, 显示中国机器人产业大幅增长, 27 humanoid robots set a new record at China's World Robot Conference, indicating significant growth in the country's robotics industry, which has received over $14bn investment in the past decade. 中国公司正在为各种任务开发多种人型,而特斯拉的Optimus原型仍在开发中。 Chinese companies are developing versatile humanoids for various tasks, whilst Tesla's Optimus prototype remains in development. Lanchi Ventures合作伙伴魏曹称,人类的下一个里程碑是明年或两年内商业上可行的制造业使用案例。 The next milestone for humanoids is a commercially viable manufacturing use case within the next year or two, according to Lanchi Ventures partner, Wei Cao.