丹麦关闭驻马里和布基纳法索大使馆,将重点转向卢旺达、塞内加尔和突尼斯。 Denmark closes embassies in Mali and Burkina Faso, shifts focus to Rwanda, Senegal, and Tunisia.
丹麦正在关闭其在马里和布基纳法索的大使馆,原因是在军事政变之后,在萨赫勒地区关系紧张,外交行动有限。 Denmark is closing its embassies in Mali and Burkina Faso due to strained relations and limited diplomatic action in the Sahel region, following military coups. 丹麦外交部将在卢旺达、塞内加尔和突尼斯开设新的大使馆,作为新的非洲战略的一部分,重点是增加贸易和水倡议。 The Danish foreign ministry will open new embassies in Rwanda, Senegal, and Tunisia as part of a new Africa strategy, with a focus on increasing trade and water initiatives. 南非、肯尼亚、埃及、尼日利亚和加纳现有大使馆将升级为区域中心,非洲大湖区和萨赫勒区域将任命一名特别代表。 Existing embassies in South Africa, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, and Ghana will be upgraded to regional hubs, and a special representative will be appointed for the African Great Lakes and Sahel region.