2024年消费者消费支出限制对伍尔沃斯和科尔斯产生了影响,原因是抵押贷款利率和通货膨胀高,影响到澳大利亚2/3的杂货市场。 2024 consumer spending constraint impacts Woolworths, Coles due to high mortgage rates and inflation, affecting 2/3 of Australia's grocery market.
澳大利亚最大的超级超市连锁店伍尔沃思和科尔斯在24财政年度由于高抵押利率和通货膨胀,消费者支出受到限制,导致谨慎支出。 Australia's top supermarket chains, Woolworths and Coles, face constrained consumer spending in FY24 due to high mortgage rates and inflation, leading to cautious spending. 生活费用危机影响到占澳大利亚杂货费2/3的两家公司。 The cost-of-living crisis impacts both companies, which account for 2/3 of Australia's grocery spending. 分析家预计科尔斯将表现更好,净利润略有增加,而伍尔沃斯的基本利润因商业成本和投资而预期会减少。 Analysts expect Coles to perform better with a slight net profit rise, while Woolworths' underlying earnings margin is expected to contract due to business costs and investments.