演员布伦丹·格利森支持爱尔兰的Bewley's Big Coffee Morning,这是一个全国性的为临终医院筹款活动,自1992年以来每年筹集2400万欧元. Actor Brendan Gleeson supports Ireland's Bewley's Big Coffee Morning, a national fundraiser for hospices, raising €2.4M annually since 1992.
获奖演员布伦丹·格利森支持爱尔兰的Bewley's Big Coffee Morning for Hospice,这是一个由Together For Hospice,国家临终关怀运动举办的全国性筹款活动. Award-winning actor Brendan Gleeson supports Ireland's Bewley's Big Coffee Morning for Hospice, a national fundraiser by Together For Hospice, The National Hospice Movement. 该倡议每年为24个疗养院和专科姑息家庭护理提供者筹集240万欧元,自1992年以来筹集的资金总额为4 530万欧元。 The initiative raises €2.4 million annually for 24 Hospice and specialist palliative homecare providers, with total funds raised at €45.3 million since 1992. Gleeson的父母在都柏林圣弗朗西斯·霍斯皮斯渡过最后一天,鼓励人们在适当日期主办或参加咖啡早餐会,所有收入都用于支助当地人。 Gleeson, whose parents spent their final days in St. Francis Hospice, Dublin, encourages people to host or attend Coffee Mornings on suitable dates, with all proceeds supporting local hospices.