41岁的喜剧演员Eric André在表演《Eric Andre秀》时脑震荡,手部受伤。 41-year-old comedian Eric André sustained a concussion and hand injury during his show "The Eric Andre Show".
41岁的喜剧演员Eric André在表演《Eric Andre秀》时多次受伤,包括脑震荡和手受伤。 41-year-old comedian Eric André has experienced multiple injuries, including a concussion and hand injury, during his show "The Eric Andre Show". 尽管存在风险,该节目还是赢得了一大批狂热的追随者,并为安德烈赢得了今年的两项艾美奖提名。 Despite the risks, the show has garnered a cult following and earned André two Emmy nominations this year. 独有的喜剧风格包括恶作剧和名人的真实反应。 The unique comedy style involves outrageous pranks and genuine reactions from celebrities.