2015年搜寻1972年失踪的Houlton飞行员Billy Hogan在兄弟和社区的支持下,继续进行。 2015 search for missing 1972 Houlton pilot, Billy Hogan, continues with support from brother and community.
搜寻1972年失踪的胡尔顿飞行员比利·霍根的工作继续得到他的兄弟和决心寻找他的社区的支持。 The search for missing 1972 Houlton pilot, Billy Hogan, continues with support from his brother and a community determined to find him. 在缅因航空博物馆举行了追悼仪式,以纪念霍根的服务,博物馆的行道上将放置一块纪念砖。 A memorial service was held at Maine Air Museum, honoring Hogan's service, and a memorial brick will be placed in the museum's walkway. 2015年由Billy的兄弟Jerome Hogan及志愿者组织的搜寻活动, 旨在透过“Hogan's Citabria”脸书页面吸引更多帮助, The search organized in 2015 by Jerome Hogan, Billy's brother, and volunteers aims to draw in more help through the "Hogan's Citabria" Facebook page for suggestions and leads.