市长候选人 Arron Wood 计划取消墨尔本的 $316m Greenline 项目,并将资金重新用于新公园。 Lord Mayor candidate Arron Wood plans to cancel Melbourne's $316m Greenline project and redirect funds to new parks.
Arron Wood市长候选人计划取消墨尔本的316万美元绿线步行项目, Lord Mayor candidate Arron Wood plans to cancel Melbourne's $316m Greenline walking trail project, citing it as flawed, costly, and poorly managed. 如果当选,伍德打算将一些资金转用于新的公园和花园。 If elected, Wood intends to redirect some funds towards new parks and gardens. 与纽约的高线公园类似,绿线也面临着资金挑战,市议会的预算显示,除了 Birrarung Marr 区之外,没有分配任何资金。 The Greenline, similar to New York's High Line, has faced funding challenges, with the council's budget revealing no allocated funds beyond the Birrarung Marr precinct.