约旦的IAF候选人Jihad Mdanat在选举压力要求中因财务指控被捕。 Jordanian IAF candidate Jihad Mdanat arrested on financial charges amid election pressure claims.
约旦议会候选人、伊斯兰行动阵线的Jihad Mdanat在安曼例行交通停留期间因多项财务指控和未执行的逮捕令被捕。 Jordanian parliamentary candidate, Jihad Mdanat of Islamic Action Front, was arrested during a routine traffic stop in Amman on multiple financial charges & outstanding warrants. 他的团体IAF谴责逮捕, 声称这是持续压力的一部分, 要求候选人退出9月10日的选举。 His group, IAF, condemned the arrest, claiming it's part of ongoing pressure on their candidates to withdraw from the Sept 10 elections. 尽管遭到逮捕,独立选举委员会确认所有候选人都提交了有效期为30天的非犯罪记录证书。 Despite the arrest, the Independent Elections Commission confirmed all candidates have submitted non-criminal record certificates valid for 30 days.