25岁的Muktar Abshir Aden在缅因州Lewiston被捕,罪名是国土安全局拥有和贩运毒品。 25-year-old Muktar Abshir Aden was arrested in Lewiston, Maine, for drug possession and trafficking by Homeland Security.
25岁的Muktar Abshir Aden星期五在缅因州Lewiston因国土安全部持有和贩运毒品被捕。 Muktar Abshir Aden, 25, was arrested in Lewiston, Maine, on Friday for drug possession and trafficking by Homeland Security. 逮捕他之前,司法部签发了逮捕令。 His arrest followed a warrant issued by the Department of Justice. 调查涉及与缅因州缉毒局、缅因州警察局和地方警察合作。 The investigation involves collaboration with the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency, Maine State Police, and local police. 预计将在社交媒体渠道上公布有关此案的更多最新情况。 Further updates on the case are expected to be shared on social media channels.