每日摄像头赢得7个奖项,包括洪水覆盖和设计的第一和第二位;Al Manzi进入名人堂。 Daily Camera wins 7 awards, including first and second places for flood coverage and design; Al Manzi inducted into Hall of Fame.
科罗拉多州的一家报纸 The Daily Camera 在科罗拉多州新闻协会的年度 Better News 媒体竞赛中赢得了 7 个奖项,包括摄影师 Cliff Grassmick 的第一名和记者 Amber Carlson 的洪水报道第二名。 The Daily Camera, a Colorado newspaper, won 7 awards in the Colorado Press Association's annual Better News Media Contest, including first place for photographer Cliff Grassmick and second place for reporter Amber Carlson's flood coverage. 广告小组还获得最佳特别科和封面设计第二位奖项。 The advertising team also received 2nd place awards for best special section and cover design. 前出版商Al Manzi被引入科罗拉多新闻协会名人大厅。 Former publisher Al Manzi was inducted into the Colorado Press Association Hall of Fame.