在第 69 届沃克利奖中,《时代报》和《悉尼先驱晨报》获得 20 项提名,包括对腐败和影响力的关键调查。 20 nominations for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald at the 69th Walkley Awards, including key investigations on corruption and influence.
时代和悉尼晨报在第69届沃克利奖获得20项提名,突出了他们在新闻界的卓越. The Age and Sydney Morning Herald received 20 nominations at the 69th Walkley Awards, highlighting their excellence in journalism. 主要调查包括 CFMEU 内部的腐败和内政事务大臣的影响。 Key investigations include corruption within the CFMEU and the influence of a Home Affairs secretary. 摄影师凯特·格拉格蒂因她在以色列拍摄的有影响力的照片而获得年度照片奖. Photographer Kate Geraghty won Photo of the Year for her impactful image from Israel. 《悉尼早报先驱报》还在许多摄影类别中表现得非常突出,展示了它对调查报告的承诺。 The Sydney Morning Herald also features strong representation in various photography categories, showcasing its commitment to investigative reporting.