Berrien县卫生局在全国母乳喂养月促进母乳喂养福利和支助。 Berrien County Health Department promotes breastfeeding benefits and support during National Breastfeeding Month.
贝里恩县卫生部门在全国母乳养月期间宣传母乳养的健康益处, 包括防止SIDS,糖尿病,癌症,高胆固醇和过敏. During National Breastfeeding Month, the Berrien County Health Department promotes the health benefits of breastfeeding, including protection against SIDS, diabetes, cancer, high cholesterol, and allergies. 该部向面临障碍的母亲提供支助,并设立一个母乳喂养支助小组。 The department offers support for mothers facing barriers and establishes a breastfeeding support group. 一年一度的 Breastfeeding on the Bluff 活动举行,寻求支持的母亲可以致电 269-363-1168 联系该部门。 The annual Breastfeeding on the Bluff event took place, and mothers seeking support can contact the department at 269-363-1168.