阿塞拜疆人权专员警告说,自第二次卡拉巴赫战争以来,亚美尼亚的地雷恐怖主义造成370多人死亡。 Azerbaijan's Human Rights Commissioner warns of over 370 deaths from Armenia's mine terrorism since the Second Karabakh War.
阿塞拜疆人权专员萨比娜·阿利耶夫警告说,自第二次卡拉巴赫战争以来,亚美尼亚持续的地雷恐怖主义已导致370多人死亡。 Azerbaijan's Human Rights Commissioner, Sabina Aliyeva, has warned that Armenia's ongoing mine terrorism has led to over 370 deaths since the Second Karabakh War. 缺乏准确的雷场地图对平民和军事人员都构成威胁,妨碍前境内流离失所者安全返回其土地,并侵犯基本人权。 The lack of accurate maps of minefields poses a threat to both civilians and military personnel, hinders the safe return of former internally displaced persons to their lands, and violates fundamental human rights. 阿利耶夫批评国际社会对该问题保持沉默,因为这个问题危及无辜生命和健康。 Aliyeva criticized the international community's silence on the issue, which endangers innocent lives and health.