Lancaster县地方检察官规则官员对Andrew Ward的39岁枪击身亡,据说是在他拿起一把枪之后才有正当理由的。 Lancaster County DA rules officer's fatal shooting of Andrew Ward, 39, justified after he reportedly reached for a gun.
兰开斯特县地方检察官办公室裁定, 一名警员于11月3日在伊丽莎白敦警察局外枪杀39岁的Andrew Ward, 是正当的。 The Lancaster County District Attorney's Office has ruled that a police officer was justified in shooting Andrew Ward, 39, outside the Elizabethtown police station on November 3. Ward以前因酒后驾车被捕,后来回到警察局取回他的部分墨镜。 Ward, who had been previously arrested for DUI, returned to the station to retrieve a part of his sunglasses. 尽管警官试图将局势降级8分钟以上,但Ward没有遵守命令,据称是去取枪。 Despite attempts by officers to de-escalate the situation for over eight minutes, Ward did not comply with orders and allegedly reached for a firearm. 这名军官在沃德抵抗了多次征服他的企图后开枪,导致沃德的死亡。 The officer fired after Ward resisted multiple attempts to subdue him, leading to Ward's death. 地方检察官办公室认为使用致命武力是正当的 The DA's office concluded the use of deadly force was justified.