乌兹别克斯坦的HIMO和韩国的BC卡综合支付系统,用于无缝交易。 Uzbekistan's HUMO and South Korea's BC Card integrate payment systems for seamless transactions.
乌兹别克斯坦的HIMO和韩国的BC卡已同意整合其支付系统,允许持卡人无缝地使用两国的国内卡进行交易。 Uzbekistan's HUMO and South Korea's BC Card have agreed to integrate their payment systems, allowing cardholders to make transactions seamlessly using domestic cards in both countries. 这一伙伴关系旨在加强无现金支付领域的国际关系,并为HUMO和BC卡用户提供更多便利。 This partnership aims to enhance international relations in the field of cashless payments and provide greater convenience for users of both HUMO and BC Card. 此外,乌兹别克斯坦正在将HUMO私有化,为公共谈判提供100%的国有股份。 Additionally, Uzbekistan is privatizing HUMO, offering 100% of state-owned shares for public negotiation.