2024年丰田RAV-4在迈阿密举行的NAMAD DVL颁奖典礼上获得"最佳未来大众汽车". 2024 Toyota RAV-4 wins "Top Overall Future Majority Vehicle" at NAMAD DVL Awards in Miami.
丰田RAV-4在由全国少数民族汽车经销商协会 (NAMAD) 和标普全球移动公司主办的第九届年度多元化量领先 (DVL) 奖项中被评为"未来的最佳整体多数汽车". Toyota RAV-4 was named the "Top Overall Future Majority Vehicle" at the 9th Annual Diversity Volume Leadership (DVL) Awards hosted by the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers (NAMAD) and S&P Global Mobility. 该活动是在迈阿密举行的2024年NAMAD年会期间举办的,以表彰在种族消费者中领先的汽车品牌,并根据S&P全球移动的数据颁发奖项. The event, held during the 2024 Annual NAMAD Conference in Miami, celebrates automotive brands driving sales leadership among ethnic consumers, with awards based on data from S&P Global Mobility. 美国人口普查局预测,到2045年,少数民族将占多数。 The US Census Bureau predicts that ethnic minorities will be the majority by 2045.