红袜队的泰勒·奥尼尔 (Tyler O'Neill) 因左手第四根手指发炎而坐在替补席上,罗伯·雷夫斯奈德 (Rob Refsnyder) 替补出场。 Red Sox's Tyler O'Neill benched due to left fourth finger inflammation, Rob Refsnyder to replace.
波士顿红袜队外野手Tyler O'Neill因左四指发炎而被从对戴蒙德队的排队中除名。 Boston Red Sox outfielder Tyler O'Neill was removed from the lineup against the Diamondbacks due to inflammation in his left fourth finger. 罗伯·雷夫斯奈德 (Rob Refsnyder) 将取代奥尼尔 (O'Neill) 担任左外野位置,击球手第五。 Rob Refsnyder is set to replace O'Neill in the left field position, batting fifth. O'Neill最近从10天受伤者名单返回,本季还遭受其他伤害,包括左腿感染、右膝炎和脑震荡。 O'Neill, who recently returned from the 10-day injured list, has experienced other injuries this season, including a left leg infection, right knee inflammation, and a concussion.