波利萨里奥阵线渗透到 TICAD9,日本重申不承认该组织。 Polisario Front infiltrates TICAD9, Japan reaffirms non-recognition of the group.
在东京会议9期间,尽管日本只邀请非洲联盟成员国参加,但西撒哈拉分裂主义团体波利萨里奥阵线还是渗入了该事件。 During TICAD9, the Polisario Front, a Western Saharan separatist group, infiltrated the event despite Japan's invitation only to African Union member states. 日本重申不承认波利萨里奥阵线,强调不承认自称的索马里民主联盟,并认为非洲联盟应对该团体的存在负责。 Japan reaffirmed its non-recognition of the Polisario, emphasizing that it does not recognize the self-proclaimed SADR and holds the African Union responsible for the group's presence. 这一事件促使非洲国家考虑将波利萨里奥阵线从其队伍中驱逐出去,并突出显示摩洛哥对撒哈拉的领土完整和主权的持续支持。 The incident has prompted African countries to consider expelling the Polisario from their ranks and highlights ongoing support for Morocco's territorial integrity and sovereignty over the Sahara.