墨西哥执政党莫雷纳及其盟友在国会下院获得三分之二多数席位。 Mexico's ruling party Morena and its allies secure a two-thirds supermajority in the lower house of Congress.
墨西哥选举当局INE确认,执政党莫雷纳及其盟友将在国会下院拥有三分之二多数席位,获得364个席位,超过未经反对派同意修改宪法所需的334张选票。 Mexico's electoral authority, INE, confirmed that the ruling party Morena and its allies will hold a two-thirds supermajority in the lower house of Congress, securing 364 seats, surpassing the 334 votes required for constitutional amendments without opposition consent. 这一决定使莫雷纳得以进行重大的宪法改革,包括司法和选举改革,并使该党在墨西哥立法机构中拥有更大的控制权和决策权。 This decision allows Morena to pursue significant constitutional changes, including judiciary and electoral reforms, and provides the party with greater control and decision-making power in Mexico's legislative body.