印度和孟加拉国面临边界紧张局势,原因是因修建牛栏而发生冲突。 India and Bangladesh faced border tensions due to clashes over a cattle fence construction.
印度和孟加拉国的安全部队因沿两国共同边界修建牛栏而发生冲突,导致两国边界紧张。 India and Bangladesh experienced border tensions as their security forces clashed over a cattle fence construction along their shared border. 印度边境安全部队声称孟加拉国卫兵封锁围栏设施, 援引2012年防止奶牛失落或失窃的协议, India's Border Security Force claimed Bangladeshi guards blocked the fence installation, citing a 2012 agreement to prevent cows from straying or being stolen. 自从孟加拉国流亡印度的前统治者谢赫·哈西娜被推翻以来,两国之间的关系一直很脆弱。 The relationship between the countries has been fragile since the overthrow of Bangladeshi ex-premier Sheikh Hasina, who is in exile in India.