50名中国-印度尼西亚代表在海口召开第四次联合委员会药用植物保护和研究会议,计划于10月完成基础工作。 50 China-Indonesia delegates convened in Haikou for the fourth joint committee session on medicinal plants conservation and research, with base completion planned in October.
50名中国-印度尼西亚代表参加了在中国海口举行的药用植物保护、研究和创新基础联合委员会第四届会议。 50 China-Indonesia delegates gathered for the fourth session of the joint committee of the medicinal plants conservation, research, and innovation base in Haikou, China. 该基地面积为30公顷,定于10月竣工。 The base's construction, spanning 30 hectares, is set to complete in October. 这些国家将深化合作,研究医药材料的质量标准以及政策和条例,目的是加强药用植物的保护和研究。 The countries will deepen cooperation in research on quality standards of medicinal materials and policies and regulations, with the goal of enhancing conservation and research of medicinal plants.