59岁的都柏林前GAA明星Raymond McKenna因肺癌蔓延而死在家里。 59-year-old Dublin ex-GAA star Raymond McKenna died at home due to lung cancer spread.
59 岁的都柏林男子和前 GAA 明星雷蒙德·麦肯纳 (Raymond McKenna) 在从 Beacon 医院出院一天后在家中倒下并死亡,当时他正在接受疑似肺癌的治疗。 59-year-old Raymond McKenna, a Dublin man and former GAA star, collapsed and died at home a day after being discharged from Beacon Hospital, where he was being treated for suspected lung cancer. 验尸官做出了自然死亡的裁决,称肺癌已经扩散到他的淋巴结和肾上腺是他致命心脏骤停的原因。 The coroner returned a verdict of death by natural causes, citing lung cancer that had spread to his lymph nodes and adrenal glands as the cause of his fatal cardiac arrest. 在他身上发现的血块不被视为促成因素。 Blood clots found in his body were not considered a contributory factor.