俄罗斯总统普京在车臣射击场上被嘲笑背着耳罩. Russian President Putin mocked for wearing earmuffs backwards at a Chechen shooting range.
俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京 (Vladimir Putin) 因在车臣射击场上向后佩戴耳罩而面临嘲笑,当时他试图在乌克兰战斗中获得支持。 Russian President Vladimir Putin faced mockery for wearing earmuffs backwards at a Chechen shooting range, during an attempt to gain support amid Ukraine combat. 报告显示,他穿着防护服,身上绑着下巴的皮带,以免弄乱他的“根本不存在的头发”。 Reports suggest that he wore the protective gear with the strap around his chin to avoid messing up his 'non-existent hair'. 这起事件在社交媒体上传播了病毒, 用户评论了普京耳膜的异常取向。 The incident went viral on social media, with users commenting on the unusual orientation of Putin's earmuffs.