NZTA停止了SH2的中位屏障工作,代之以环形路和扩展的中线。 NZTA halts median barrier work on SH2, replacing it with roundabouts and widened centrelines.
经过几个月的居民抗议和项目审查,新西兰交通局停止了在怀希和奥莫科罗亚之间的SH2中位障碍工程. NZTA halts median barrier work on SH2 between Waihī and Ōmokoroa after months of resident protests and a project review. 相反,将完成两个圆环路和扩展的中线,维持其余十字路口的右转。 Instead, two roundabouts and widened centrelines will be completed, maintaining right-turning movements on remaining intersections. 速度限制仍为80公里/小时,所有其他安全改进工作将继续进行。 The speed limit remains 80 km/h, and all other safety improvements will continue. 该项目旨在将死亡和重伤人数减少44%。 The project aims to deliver a 44% reduction in deaths and serious injuries.