康涅狄格州警方在水下卡车附近的河中 调查了人的死亡 可能与洪水有关的死亡有关 Connecticut police investigate man's death in river near submerged truck, possibly linked to flood-related deaths.
康涅狄格州警方正在调查一名男子的死亡案 此人是在水下卡车附近的一条河里发现的 可能与严重洪水有关 Connecticut police are investigating the death of a man found in a river near his submerged truck, potentially linked to the severe flooding that caused the deaths of two other individuals last weekend. 随着调查的继续,当局正在审查这些事件之间是否有联系。 Authorities are examining the possibility of a connection between these incidents as the investigation continues. (400个字符) (400 characters)