一名男子在马萨诸塞州普利茅斯的纳尔逊纪念公园被发现死亡;没有谋杀嫌疑。 A man was found dead in Nelson Memorial Park, Plymouth, Massachusetts; no foul play suspected.
周六早上,一名男子在马萨诸塞州普利茅斯的纳尔逊纪念公园被发现死亡。 A man was found dead in Nelson Memorial Park, Plymouth, Massachusetts on Saturday morning. 上午8点30分,警方接到报警称一名男子在水中失去知觉,并宣布他当场死亡。 Police received a report of an unresponsive man in the water at 8:30 a.m. and pronounced him dead at the scene. 不存在谋杀嫌疑,普利茅斯警方和州警察正在进行调查。 Foul play is not suspected, and the investigation is ongoing by Plymouth police and State Police. 该男子的身份尚未公布,目前暂无公众关注。 The man's identity has not been released, and there is currently no concern to the public.