44岁的James Garvin在UC Davis Arboretum被捕,罪名是绑架、非法监禁和殴打。 44-year-old James Garvin arrested for kidnapping, false imprisonment, and assault at UC Davis Arboretum.
44岁的Davis居民James Garvin据称在UC Davis Arboretum抢劫一名妇女后,因绑架、非法监禁和殴打而被捕,身体受重伤。 44-year-old Davis resident James Garvin was arrested for kidnapping, false imprisonment, and assault with great bodily injury after allegedly grabbing a woman at the UC Davis Arboretum. 受害人越狱寻求帮助,通过视频记录辨认了Garvin的身份,随后在UC Davis警察局自首。 The victim escaped and sought help, leading to Garvin's identification through video recordings and his subsequent surrender at the UC Davis Police Department. Garvin不是UC Davis的学生或雇员,被押入Yolo县监狱。 Garvin, who is not a student or employee of UC Davis, was booked into Yolo County Jail.