David Davis, 36岁,因性攻击一名14岁少年和在诺福克拒捕而被捕。 David Davis, 36, arrested for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old and resisting arrest in Norfolk.
来自苏城的36岁男子David Davis在诺福克被捕,被控对一名14岁女孩进行性攻击并拒捕。 David Davis, a 36-year-old man from Sioux City, was arrested in Norfolk on charges of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl and resisting arrest. 事件发生在11月13日,受害者向警察报告了这次袭击,导致不久之后戴维斯被捕。 The incident occurred on November 13, and the victim reported the assault to the police, leading to Davis's arrest shortly after. Davis目前被关押在麦迪逊县监狱。 Davis is currently held in Madison County Jail.