2名工人在一个月内死于昆士兰Byerwen煤矿的事故。 2 workers died in separate accidents at Byerwen coal mine in Queensland within a month.
2名工人在一个月内死于昆士兰Bowen盆地Byerwen煤矿的个别事故。 2 workers died in separate accidents at Byerwen coal mine in Queensland's Bowen Basin within a month. 8月12日,一辆卡车与另一辆汽车发生碰撞,造成一名工人死亡。 8月3日,另一名工人Chris Schloss于三周前遇害。 A collision between a truck and another vehicle resulted in the death of a worker on August 12, three weeks after another worker, Chris Schloss, was killed on August 3. 紧急服务部门对这两起事件作出反应, 昆士兰州资源安全与健康部门正在进行调查. Emergency services responded to both incidents, and Resources Safety and Health Queensland is conducting investigations.