48岁的工人死于Byerwen煤矿的起重机事故;调查仍在进行。 48-year-old worker dies in crane accident at Byerwen coal mine; investigation ongoing.
48岁的工人死于昆士兰州Byerwen煤矿的起重机事故;昆士兰州资源安全和卫生局和警方正在进行调查。 48-year-old worker dies in crane accident at Queensland's Byerwen coal mine; investigation underway by Resources Safety and Health Queensland and police. 矿山表示震惊, 并承诺支持受影响的家庭和工作人员. The mine, owned by QCoal, expressed shock and commits to supporting the family and affected staff. 这名工人是一名长期服务的高级团队成员,早上 7 点 30 分被发现在一台拣选和搬运起重机附近没有反应。 The worker, a long-serving senior team member, was found unresponsive near a pick and carry crane at 7:30 am.