2024-2025年 阿联酋复学政策为有学龄儿童的政府雇员规定了灵活的工作时间。 2024-2025 UAE Back-to-School policy introduces flexible work hours for government employees with school children.
2024-2025年,阿联酋联邦政府人力资源管理局将实施“返校”政策,允许政府雇员在上学第一天和一周内为托儿所、幼儿园和小学有子女的父母提供弹性工作时间。 The UAE's Federal Authority for Government Human Resources will implement a "Back-to-School" policy in 2024-2025, granting government employees flexible work hours on the first day of school and during the first week for parents with children in nurseries, kindergartens, and primary grades. 该政策允许最多3小时的灵活性,可合并或分为上午和晚上,以适应学校的辍学和接送。 The policy allows up to 3 hours of flexibility, either combined or split into morning and evening periods, to accommodate school drop-offs and pick-ups. 需要直接管理人员批准,该政策符合联邦政府的人力资源法律和条例。 Approval from the direct manager is required, and the policy aligns with the federal government's human resources laws and regulations.