6名居民因Norwich Alice Street车库着火而流离失所;未报告有人受伤。 6 residents displaced due to garage fire on Alice Street, Norwich; no injuries reported.
6名居民在Norwich Alice Street车库着火后流离失所。 6 residents displaced after garage fire on Alice Street, Norwich. 星期二晚上起火,居民和消防员没有受伤。 The fire broke out on Tuesday night, causing no injuries among residents and firefighters. 在东大平原、Mohegan部落和Yantic消防局的协助下,下午11时14分控制了火势。 The blaze was controlled at 11:14 p.m with assistance from East Great Plain, Mohegan Tribal, and Yantic Fire Departments. Norwich消防局长办公室目前正在调查火灾的原因,而红十字会则协助流离失所的居民。 The cause of the fire is now being investigated by the Norwich Fire Marshal Office, while the Red Cross assists the displaced residents.