第二次Neuralink测试 瘫痪病人成功, 显示设备性能改善。 2nd Neuralink trial for paralyzed patient successful, shows improved device performance.
伊隆·马斯克的脑科技初创公司Neuralink在第二次试验中成功地为患者植入了脑. Neuralink, Elon Musk's brain tech startup, reports success in its second trial implant for a paralyzed patient. 该植入物旨在帮助瘫痪个体使用他们的思想控制数字设备,表现良好,没有出现第一位试验患者面临的与“线程回缩”相关的问题。 The implant, designed to help paralyzed individuals control digital devices using their thoughts, performed well without issues related to "thread retraction" faced by the first trial patient. 为防止出现此类问题,采取了减少手术期间脑动和缩小植入与脑表面间距等措施。 Measures like reducing brain motion during surgery and limiting the gap between the implant and the brain surface were implemented to prevent such issues. 该设备使第一位病人得以开展各种活动,包括玩电子游戏和浏览互联网。 The device has allowed the first patient to perform various activities, including playing video games and browsing the internet.