Neuralink植入了第三个大脑装置,目标是在2025年再安装20-30个,以帮助瘫痪病人。 Neuralink implants third brain device, aiming for 20-30 more in 2025 to aid paralysis patients.
Elon Musk的公司Neuralink将大脑装置植入第三人体内,今年计划再植入20至30个。 Elon Musk's company Neuralink has implanted brain devices in a third person, with plans to implant 20 to 30 more this year. 自一年前第一次植入以来,这些装置有了改进,增加了电极、电池寿命和带宽。 The devices have been improved with more electrodes, better battery life, and higher bandwidth since the first implant a year ago. Neuralink旨在帮助患有麻痹控制装置的人并更好地沟通。 Neuralink aims to help people with paralysis control devices and communicate better. 该公司是美国45个以上测试脑计算机接口的团体之一,技术仍处于试验阶段。 The company is one of over 45 groups testing brain-computer interfaces in the U.S., with the technology still in experimental stages.