肯塔基州将在2026年1月将个人所得税税率从4%降至3.5%,取决于预算触发因素。 Kentucky to reduce individual income tax rate from 4% to 3.5% in January 2026, contingent on budget triggers.
肯塔基州将个人所得税税率从4%降至3.5%, Kentucky is set to reduce its individual income tax rate from 4% to 3.5% starting January 2026, after meeting financial triggers in the state budget. 立法者在明年再次开会时将有机会通过这一削减, 反映出肯塔基人可以比政府更高效地使用自己的钱财的信念。 Lawmakers will have the opportunity to pass this rate cut when they reconvene next year, reflecting the belief that Kentuckians can spend their money more efficiently than the government. 2022年通过的减税法要求国家预算储备信托基金在财政年度结束时至少占普通基金收入的10%,而且即使税率降低一个百分点,收入仍超过普通基金支出。 The tax cut law, passed in 2022, requires the state budget reserve trust fund to be at least 10% of General Fund revenue at the end of a fiscal year, and for revenue to have exceeded General Fund spending even with a one percentage point lower tax rate.