2 与Marion Gardens团伙有联系的泽西城帮派成员因2018-2019年枪击而被判处15-16年徒刑,他们也参与贩毒活动。 2 Jersey City gang members linked to Marion Gardens gang sentenced to 15-16 years for 2018-2019 shootings, also involved in drug trafficking.
2名泽西市黑帮成员“Beanz”和“Mooot”与Marion Gardens帮有关联,因在2018年至2019年的枪击事件中扮演的角色被判处15年和16年监禁。 2 Jersey City gang members, "Beanz" and "Moot", associated with the Marion Gardens gang, have been sentenced to 15 and 16 years in prison for their roles in 2018-2019 shootings. 他们还被命令服五年监禁后受监督释放期。 They were also ordered to serve five-year terms of supervised release post-imprisonment. 两人都参与贩毒,并与从事暴力行为的Marion Gardens住房综合团伙有牵连。 Both were involved in drug trafficking and associated with the Marion Gardens Housing Complex gang, which engaged in violent acts.