4名富尔顿县监狱安全官员因向囚犯走私违禁品而在腐败调查中被捕。 4 Fulton County Jail security officers arrested in corruption investigation for smuggling contraband to inmates.
乔治亚州福尔顿县监狱的四名战略安全人员在正在进行的腐败调查中被捕. 4 security officers from Strategic Security at Fulton County Jail, Georgia were arrested in an ongoing corruption investigation. 据称,他们向囚犯走私手机、香烟和其他违禁品以换取金钱,一名官员承认与囚犯发生性关系。 They allegedly smuggled cell phones, cigarettes, and other contraband to inmates in return for money, with one officer admitting to having sexual relations with an inmate. 富尔顿县治安官办公室于5月开始调查,现已终止这些警官的职务,预计随着调查的进行,将逮捕更多的人。 The Fulton County Sheriff's Office, which initiated the investigation in May, has terminated the officers and anticipates more arrests as the investigation proceeds.