前奥运金牌得主劳伦·威廉斯从耐克赞助转为财务规划实习,成为CFP董事会大使和创始独资公司Worth Winning。 Former Olympic gold medalist Lauryn Williams transitioned from Nike sponsorship to a financial planning internship, becoming a CFP Board Ambassador and founding fee-only firm Worth Winning.
前奥运金牌得主劳伦·威廉斯参加夏季和冬季奥林匹克运动会的比赛,从每年与耐克赞助200 000美元过渡到每小时12美元的财务规划实习。 Former Olympic gold medalist Lauryn Williams, who competed in both Summer and Winter Olympic Games, transitioned from a $200,000 yearly sponsorship with Nike, to a $12 per hour internship in financial planning. 在发现自己在运动后职业生涯中遇到财务挑战后,她继续从事课程工作,成为注册财务规划员,并成为中央财务伙伴关系司董事会大使。 After discovering her own financial challenges post-athletic career, she pursued coursework to become a Certified Financial Planner and became a CFP Board Ambassador. 现在,威廉姆斯通过她独资的公司,Worth Winning, 将她的时间花在为运动员和青年专业人员提供金融教育和规划上。 Now, through her fee-only firm, Worth Winning, Williams dedicates her time to providing financial education and planning to athletes and young professionals.