孟加拉国的NBR发起特别的逃税调查,针对著名的企业大亨。 Bangladesh's NBR launches special tax evasion investigations, targeting prominent business tycoons.
孟加拉国国家税务局(NBR)对逃税者进行了特别调查,包括著名的商业大亨。 Bangladesh's National Board of Revenue (NBR) has launched special investigations against tax evaders, including prominent business tycoons. 中央情报室编制了一份嫌疑人名单,并将利用2023年《所得税法》和2012年《防止洗钱法》收回未缴纳的税款。 The Central Intelligence Cell (CIC) compiled a list of suspects and will use the Income Tax Act 2023 and Money Laundering Prevention Act 2012 to recover unpaid taxes. NBR正在向银行、金融机构和监管机构寻求信息,以协助其正在进行的调查。 NBR is seeking information from banks, financial institutions, and regulatory bodies to aid in its ongoing investigations.