英国的《宠物绑架法》将狗、猫视为有情众生,对盗窃者处以最高 5 年监禁和罚款。 UK's Pet Abduction Act treats dogs, cats as sentient beings, imposes up to 5 years prison, fine for theft.
英国新出台的《宠物绑架法》将于8月24日生效,将狗和猫视为容易受到情感创伤的有情众生。 The UK's new Pet Abduction Act, effective from August 24, treats dogs and cats as sentient beings vulnerable to emotional trauma. 那些被判定犯有偷这些宠物罪的人 将面临长达五年的监禁 罚款 或两者兼而有之 Those found guilty of stealing these pets face up to five years in prison, a fine, or both. 犬类福利慈善机构Dogs Trust对这项立法表示欢迎,并为狗主人提供了指导,包括确保狗被植入微芯片,易于识别,并在公共区域始终保持在视线范围内。 Dogs Trust, a canine welfare charity, has welcomed the legislation and provided guidance to dog owners, including ensuring dogs are microchipped, easily identifiable, and always kept in sight in public areas.